Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Julius Caesar/ Fallof the Roman Republic

Julius CaesarJulius Caesar was a general and a politician he was born on 100B.C.  he was a general but when he crossed the river that the roman military souldent cross because its considered a threat he crossed it demanded to be romes leader so they made him leader and he was very good at proberganda he fought a war against the gauls withc were united tribes of barbarians. the senate did not like julius Caesar because Julius did not like to share his power so the sente murdered him each member stabed him once so they all shared the crime. he lanched the capagine of Ariovistus in 58 B.C.aginst germanic tribes then the campaign against the Belgae in 57 B.C. also aginst the Gauls and barbarians. they were called the Gallic Wars they lasted from 58 to 51 B.C. and then the campaign aganst the Veneti a barbarian tribe in the  Brittany Peninsula.The Death of Caesar (Gérôme)


Charlemagne was one off the greatest kings during the middle ages and ruled from 768 to 814 he inherited military power and some land he was born on  April 2, 742 one of the first things he did was the conquest of Saxony in 772 and it lasted 30 years but converted the pagan Saxons to Christianity he was a very religious person and he made many people convert to his religion he never lost a military campaign and he built up education during the middle ages and he started to get every one out by promoting education and building many other things  just as things were beginning to go well the vikings came along and started destroying things again just as Charlemagne died.he also enjoyed to learn how to read and right withc was unusual for a warrior king back then. he expanded and united some of Europe and spread Christianity.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Axis age/Golden age in Greece

The golden age of Greece happened from  500BC to 300BCduring the golden age of Greece humanism came into being where they believed that people could reach there full potential and that people can observe the world and question it. also the three philosophers came to Greece one of them was Socrates there method was to question everything but they got put on trial for corrupting the youth and the second is Plato which opened the academy and wrote the republic and they thought there was three classes a soldier a worker and a philosopher and the last philosopher Aristotle withc was Alexander the greats teacher but Aristotle was once Plato's teacher and he set up the lyceum during the golden age people also started sculpting and making art and huge architectural advances people also started to go to the amphitheater to see drama and comedy they even made advances in medicine,science and mathematics. the golden age of Greece ended when the pelopenisian war started between the two city states of Athens and Sparta .Sparta won but they were crippled.

Columbus Leaves Spain

In augast 1492 he leaves spain on his first voyage on october 1492 was the first sighting of the new world in the bahamas area then he lands in cuba he calimes the land that he goes on for spain and he captures some of the poeple as slaves and he was agressive to them and triked them. he aslo wanted to spread the word of chirstianinty to the new world and also his ships were provided top him by queen isebella under the condition that he calmis the land for spain the ships he got were the santa maria the pinta and the nina the santa maria also carashed he was also sent to find gold and there was alot of gold.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Magna Carta

the magna carta demands the state right of the Barons in england it also states that the king must obey all rules and that no one is above the law it also made the due procces of law witch are rules the government must follow for fair and impartial trail it also made a parliment in england withc is made out of the house of commons and the house of lords withc have the power of the purse. the magna carta also makes it clear that the king cannot raise new taxes without first consolting his grand concil of lords.

Battle Of Tours

this battle was between the Muslims who were invading Europe and the franks witch were defending in France the Muslims thougth they were unstoppable because they have encountered little Resistance in Europe and plundered many villages easily they had underestimated the franks withc were lead by Charles "the hammer" who had recruited normall villagers into his army him and his army were Europe's last chance if they failed the Muslims would take over Europe when the two armys met and fought at the battle of Tours the franks won even tho they were out numbered while the battle was being fought Charles sent some men to attack the Muslims camp were they kept all there treasurers once the franks drove the Muslims out of Europe Charles "the hammer" became known as the saver of Europe and the saver of Christianity.

William The Conqueror

William got his name "the conqueror" because in 1066 he conquered England. he lived from 1028 - 1087 and ruled as king of England from1066 to 1087 he was born in normandin. when he was king in  England he built many castles and the tower of London and he won the battle  Hastings  in 1066 William was also son of Duke Robert I. he died in 1087 while riding a horse by falling off. hes famous for taking over many impotent city's in England such as London and controlling them.Also made the doomesday book containing qall the families and there lifestock.