The golden age of Greece happened from 500BC to 300BCduring the golden age of Greece humanism came into being where they believed that people could reach there full potential and that people can observe the world and question it. also the three philosophers came to Greece one of them was Socrates there method was to question everything but they got put on trial for corrupting the youth and the second is Plato which opened the academy and wrote the republic and they thought there was three classes a soldier a worker and a philosopher and the last philosopher Aristotle withc was Alexander the greats teacher but Aristotle was once Plato's teacher and he set up the lyceum during the golden age people also started sculpting and making art and huge architectural advances people also started to go to the amphitheater to see drama and comedy they even made advances in medicine,science and mathematics. the golden age of Greece ended when the pelopenisian war started between the two city states of Athens and Sparta .Sparta won but they were crippled.
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